Nomad Insurance

Nomad Insurance by SafetyWing offers global medical coverage for nomads, including hospital stays, emergency dental, evacuation, and more, with a maximum limit of US$250,000.

Nomad Insurance

What is Nomad Insurance?

Nomad Insurance by SafetyWing offers global medical coverage for nomads, including hospital stays, emergency dental, evacuation, and more, with a maximum limit of US$250,000.

Nomad Insurance Key Features

Comprehensive medical coverage for nomads worldwide up to $250,000

Emergency dental care included, with a maximum limit of $1,000

Evacuation coverage in case of serious medical need up to $100,000

Continuous protection during short returns home, extending up to 30 days for non-US residents

Nomad Insurance Use Cases

Digital Nomads Managing Health Risks Abroad: Quick access to healthcare & emergency services

Adventure Seekers Exploring the Globe: Coverage for injuries from leisure sports & activities

Global Travelers Seeking Peace of Mind: Comprehensive insurance for unexpected medical needs

Remote Workers Living Overseas: Continuous coverage during short visits back home

Families on Long-term Vacations: Financial protection against travel delays and medical emergencies

Expatriates Looking for Reliable Insurance: Easy claim process with global hospital and doctor access

Nomad Insurance User Guide

  • Step1: Choose your age on the pricing calculator.
  • Step2: Decide if you want extra coverage.
  • Step3: Select payment option for your policy.
  • Step4: Submit to see your customized Nomad Insurance cost.

Nomad Insurance Target Audience

Digital Nomads: Seek affordable, flexible insurance that covers a wide range of activities and medical needs abroad.

Remote Workers: Need insurance that offers continuous coverage, including during short returns to their home country.

Adventure Travelers: Require comprehensive coverage for injuries from leisure sports and activities while exploring new territories.

Globetrotters with Medical Concerns: Look for policies that provide substantial coverage for unexpected medical treatment and emergencies.

Expatriates: Desire evacuation coverage to better equipped hospitals and repatriation benefits in case of severe health issues.

Family Members of Overseas Workers: Seek peace of mind knowing their loved ones have access to immediate medical care and emergency services when away from home.

Nomad Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

What does Nomad Insurance cover for travelers?

Nomad Insurance by SafetyWing offers comprehensive coverage including hospital stays, nursing care, ambulance services for hospitalization, diagnostics like MRIs, extended care after hospital discharge, prescriptions, emergency dental services (up to $1,000), and more. There's a US$250,000 maximum limit for most covered conditions, ensuring travelers are well-protected during their journeys.

Are adventure sports and activities covered under Nomad Insurance?

Yes, injuries from leisure sports & activities are indeed covered under the Nomad Insurance policy, with a maximum limit of US$250,000. However, it is important to consult the full list of activities provided in the policy as high-risk or professional sports activities are excluded.

Does Nomad Insurance assist with medical evacuations?

Nomad Insurance provides up to US$100,000 in lifetime maximum coverage for evacuations to better-equipped hospitals when necessary. This ensures that in critical situations, policyholders can be transported to a facility that offers the required medical care.

Can Nomad Insurance cover motor accidents?

Yes, motor accidents are covered by Nomad Insurance as long as the insured is properly licensed, using all the necessary safety equipment, and not intoxicated at the time of the accident. The policy offers up to a US$250,000 maximum limit for such incidents.

In the case of an emergency back home, does Nomad Insurance offer support?

Nomad Insurance provides up to US$5,000 for flights home in the event of a serious emergency such as a death in the family. This ensures that travelers can be with their loved ones during critical times.

What are the provisions for travel delays under Nomad Insurance?

If you experience a travel delay of over 12 hours, Nomad Insurance covers meals and accommodations with a limit of US$100 per day for 2 days, helping to alleviate the inconvenience and additional expenses.

Does Nomad Insurance cover pre-existing medical conditions?

Nomad Insurance typically does not cover pre-existing conditions, high-risk or professional sports activities, cancer treatment, and lost or stolen personal belongings. It's crucial to read the full policy to understand the exclusions thoroughly.

How does Nomad Insurance handle continued coverage for visits back home?

Nomad Insurance allows for continued coverage for 30 days (15 for US residents) for every 90 days of travel abroad. This ensures that travelers maintain their insurance protection even during short visits back to their home country.

What is the policy maximum limit with Nomad Insurance?

The policy maximum limit provided by Nomad Insurance is US$250,000. This cap applies to various coverage aspects under the policy, helping secure peace of mind for policyholders against a wide range of incidents.

How easy is it to claim with Nomad Insurance based on customer experiences?

Based on customer testimonials, such as the experience shared by Wesley Dekadt, claiming with Nomad Insurance is straightforward and efficient. With cases being settled quickly and operations facilitated smoothly, Nomad Insurance is highly recommended for its customer-centric approach.