Magic School AI

MagicSchool AI is an award-winning platform empowering educators and students with over 70 AI tools for lesson planning, assessments, AI literacy, and more, saving 10+ hours a week.

Magic School AI

What is Magic School AI?

MagicSchool AI is an award-winning platform empowering educators and students with over 70 AI tools for lesson planning, assessments, AI literacy, and more, saving 10+ hours a week.

Magic School AI Key Features

Saves educators 10+ hours weekly, enhancing productivity

70+ AI tools tailored for education, simplifying lesson planning and assessments

Promotes AI literacy with over 40 responsible AI tools for students

FERPA & state law compliant, ensuring privacy and safety in schools

Magic School AI Use Cases

Lesson Planning Efficiency: Simplifying educator's weekly lesson preparation process.

Student Learning Differentiation: Tailoring lesson materials to meet diverse learning needs.

Assessment Creation: Streamlining the construction of personalized quizzes and exams.

IEP Writing Support: Facilitating the drafting of Individualized Education Programs for special needs students.

Improved School Communication: Enhancing clear and effective communication among educators, students, and parents.

AI Literacy for Students: Introducing responsible AI use and building foundational AI knowledge in the classroom.

Time Management for Teachers: Saving educators over 10 hours a week on administrative and preparatory tasks.

Magic School AI User Guide

  • Step 1: Register an account on MagicSchool AI platform.
  • Step 2: Explore the dashboard to find AI tools tailored for educators.
  • Step 3: Use AI tools for lesson planning, assessments, and more.
  • Step 4: Access MagicSchool for Students to enhance AI literacy.

Magic School AI Target Audience

Educators: Seeking AI tools for lesson planning, assessment writing, and student communication

School Administrators: Looking for comprehensive AI solutions to enhance overall educational quality while ensuring privacy and compliance

Students: Need accessible and responsible AI tools to support learning without replacing critical thinking

EdTech Professionals: Searching for interoperable and scalable AI platforms to integrate with existing educational systems

Education Policy Makers: Interested in promoting AI literacy and competency among the next generation through innovative teaching tools

Magic School AI Pricing

MagicSchool Free

  • Price: $0
  • Features: 60+ AI tools for educators, AI chatbot (Raina), AI image generation, tools for students to build AI literacy.

MagicSchool Plus

  • Price: $12.99/month or $99.96/year (billed annually)
  • Features: Everything in Free, unlimited AI generations, unlimited student rooms, export to LMS, early access to new tools.

MagicSchool Enterprise

  • Price: Custom (Request a quote)
  • Features: Everything in Plus, advanced moderation, data analysis tools, SSO, dedicated support, and more.

Magic School AI Frequently Asked Questions

How does MagicSchool AI ensure the safety and privacy of educators and students?

MagicSchool AI prioritizes the safety and privacy of its users above all. The platform is designed with an intuitive user interface that highlights potential bias, ensures factual accuracy, and emphasizes privacy. Moreover, it is compliant with FERPA and state privacy laws, and operates with strict security measures to protect the privacy of student and staff information. MagicSchool AI's robust application design requires no personal identifiable student information, adhering to strict privacy policies detailed in their School Friendly Policy and Privacy Documentation.

Can MagicSchool AI be integrated with existing Learning Management Systems (LMS)?

Yes, MagicSchool AI is designed to be interoperable with your current Learning Management System (LMS), providing easy exports to Google Classroom and Microsoft tools. This includes 1 click exports for Google Forms, exports to MS Word, and more integrations are planned for the future. This feature ensures a seamless integration into your current digital ecosystem, enhancing your educational tools without the need for significant adjustments.

What AI competencies and skills does MagicSchool AI help develop in educators and students?

MagicSchool AI not only streamlines educational tasks but also focuses on building AI competencies and skills among educators and students. The platform offers a wide range of tools and resources, including certification courses, training options, and video walkthroughs, designed to enhance users' understanding and application of AI in an educational setting. This empowers both educators and students with the knowledge and skills needed for proficient AI use in their everyday tasks and future endeavors.

What types of tasks can MagicSchool AI assist with in the educational setting?

MagicSchool AI is a comprehensive platform that assists with a variety of tasks essential to the educational process. These include lesson planning, differentiating instruction, writing assessments and IEPs, and ensuring clear communication. The platform's extensive range of over 70 AI tools for educators and 40+ responsible AI tools for students makes it a versatile assistant, capable of addressing diverse educational needs and enhancing the learning experience.

How much time can educators save by using MagicSchool AI?

Educators can save over 10 hours a week by utilizing MagicSchool AI. The platform simplifies numerous tedious tasks, from lesson planning to assessment writing, allowing educators to allocate more time towards direct engagement with students and other high-impact educational activities. This substantial time saving contributes to reducing educator burnout and promoting a more sustainable teaching practice.

Is MagicSchool AI intended only for teachers, or can students benefit from it as well?

While MagicSchool AI is designed to be the leading AI platform for educators, it recently expanded its offerings with MagicSchool for Students (MagicStudent). This initiative aims to bring responsible AI experiences to students, building their AI literacy and ensuring they benefit from the advancements in AI technology. The platform offers over 40 responsible AI tools specifically designed to enhance students' learning without replacing critical thinking, making it a valuable resource for both educators and students.

How does MagicSchool AI promote responsible AI use in education?

MagicSchool AI promotes responsible AI use by providing tools and resources designed with safety, privacy, and ethical considerations in mind. The platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly experience with built-in safeguards against potential biases. It emphasizes factual accuracy and privacy, ensuring that AI's integration into education is both beneficial and responsible. Moreover, the training resources and AI literacy initiatives help users understand the implications of AI technology and use it effectively and ethically.

Are there any training resources available for educators new to MagicSchool AI?

Yes, MagicSchool AI offers robust training resources to support educators in integrating AI into their teaching practices effectively. These resources include 'show an exemplar' features in every tool, multiple certification courses, training options, and video walkthroughs. These resources aim to make the adoption of AI as seamless as possible, ensuring educators feel confident and equipped to leverage AI tools to enhance their teaching and their students' learning experiences.

What makes MagicSchool AI the most used and loved AI platform for educators worldwide?

MagicSchool AI has earned its reputation as the most used and loved AI platform for educators worldwide due to its comprehensive suite of tools designed to meet the diverse needs of the educational community. With over 2 million educators embracing AI through MagicSchool, the platform stands out for its ease of use, the vast range of functionalities it offers, its focus on AI literacy, and the substantial time savings it provides to educators. Furthermore, its commitment to safety, privacy, and responsible AI use resonates deeply with the values of the educational sector.

How can schools and educators get started with MagicSchool AI?

Schools and educators can get started with MagicSchool AI by signing up for free on the platform's website. The sign-up process is straightforward, allowing users immediate access to the wide range of AI tools and resources available. This accessibility encourages educators to explore how AI can be integrated into their teaching, offering an opportunity to experience firsthand the benefits of incorporating AI into the educational process.