
boook is an app for children on iPhone and iPad, transforming screen-time into an educational and entertaining experience with interactive stories, mini-games, and stimulating content for young minds.


What is boook?

boook is an app for children on iPhone and iPad, transforming screen-time into an educational and entertaining experience with interactive stories, mini-games, and stimulating content for young minds.

boook Key Features

Innovative app, transforming screen-time to educational moments

boook offers interactive stories beyond conventional video content

Cultivates children’s imagination and sharpens concentration

Easy publishing of any book in an interactive format

boook Use Cases

  • Parents Seeking Educational Screen-time: boook offers an engaging alternative to mindless video watching, focusing on educational content.

  • Enhancing Children's Vocabulary: Children immerse in stories that stimulate curiosity and improve vocabulary through interactive tales.

  • Stimulating Kids' Imagination: boook sparks children's imagination by encouraging them to visualize stories, making reading more fascinating.

  • Safe Content Consumption: Parents gain peace of mind knowing their children are exposed to carefully curated content, free from controversial materials.

  • Reviving Interest in Reading: boook makes reading appealing to modern children who demand more than static images in classic story books.

  • Game-based Learning: Children enjoy mini-games that combine fun with educational value, instilling learning through play.

boook User Guide

  • Step1: Download the boook app from the App Store for iPhone or iPad.,
  • Step2: Explore the app to find interactive stories suitable for children.,
  • Step3: Select a story to engage your child with educational mini-games.,
  • Step4: Monitor your child's engagement and explore more titles as they grow.

boook Target Audience

Parents of young children: Seeking safer, enriching screen-time options to engage their kids with educational content

Educators: Looking for interactive and imaginative resources to stimulate young learners' minds and enhance their reading skills

Children with vivid imaginations: Needing beyond traditional books to fuel their curiosity and immersive learning experiences

Tech-savvy families: Preferring modern storytelling methods that combine technology with classic reading benefits

Young readers: Desiring entertaining yet educational content that improves vocabulary and concentration through interactive means

Content creators: Interested in publishing books in an interactive format to reach a young audience effectively

boook Frequently Asked Questions

What is boook?

boook is an app developed by AG Softworks, designed to transform screen-time for children into an educational, engaging, and entertaining experience. Unlike traditional video content, boook combines interactive children's stories with mini-games to offer a more beneficial and immersive learning environment.

How does boook make screen time educational?

boook integrates interactive stories with educational mini-games, effectively converting passive screen time into an active learning session. This approach not only entertains children but also aids in vocabulary expansion, curiosity stimulation, focus sharpening, imagination sparking, and encourages them to visualize stories, enhancing their cognitive development.

What problems does boook solve for parents?

boook addresses the concern of parents regarding their children's excessive screen time and exposure to potentially harmful content. The app offers a safe, controlled, and worthwhile alternative that blends entertainment with education, ensuring children are exposed to age-appropriate and beneficial content.

Is boook easy to use for children?

Yes, boook has been developed with a user-friendly interface that is easy for children to navigate. It comes with ready-made rules and solutions, making it effortless for kids to engage with the interactive content and enjoy the educational games without constant supervision.

Can any book be published in an interactive format on boook?

boook is designed with a flexible framework that allows for the publication of any book in an interactive format. This flexibility ensures a diverse range of stories and educational content can be adapted to engage and educate children in an immersive manner.

What are the main benefits of using boook for children?

The primary benefits of using boook include improved vocabulary, heightened curiosity, better concentration, enhanced imagination, and the development of a habit of visualization. These benefits collectively contribute to a well-rounded cognitive and emotional development of children.

How does boook ensure the content is safe for children?

boook carefully curates and reviews all its content to ensure it is age-appropriate and safe for children's consumption. This includes screening for controversial or harmful material, thereby offering parents peace of mind regarding what their children are exposed to during screen time.

Are there any special requirements to use boook?

boook is optimized for use on iPhone and iPad, ensuring a seamless experience on these devices. There are no additional special requirements, making it accessible for any child with an iOS device to start enjoying the interactive stories and educational games.

How often is new content added to boook?

boook regularly updates its content library with new interactive stories and educational games. This continuous addition ensures that children always have access to fresh and engaging content that caters to their evolving interests and learning needs.

Can parents track their child’s progress in boook?

While the information does not specify a tracking feature, the educational nature of the games and stories within boook inherently offers a qualitative insight into a child's learning progression. Parents can observe their child's engagement and comprehension of the content as an informal measure of progress.