
Hypertxt is an AI-powered workflow that generates high-quality, engaging blog posts. It's favored by bloggers, marketing teams, and freelance writers for producing content with a natural feel. Users can control writing style, tone, and integrate in-depth research, ensuring posts are both informative and enjoyable.


What is Hypertxt?

Hypertxt is an AI-powered workflow that generates high-quality, engaging blog posts. It's favored by bloggers, marketing teams, and freelance writers for producing content with a natural feel. Users can control writing style, tone, and integrate in-depth research, ensuring posts are both informative and enjoyable.

Hypertxt Key Features

AI-powered content generation

High-quality, enjoyable articles

Customizable writing style and tone

In-depth research reports

Fair, usage-based pricing

Hypertxt Use Cases

Bloggers want quality content: Generate well-researched, SEO-optimized articles effortlessly.

Marketing teams need engaging posts: Create captivating, audience-specific blogs that drive traffic.

Freelance writers: Produce high-quality, client-pleasing content with minimal effort.

SEO experts: Craft content that balances SEO juice with readability, enhancing site rankings.

Content managers: Maintain consistency and depth in multi-author blogs through structured workflows.

Business owners: Generate informative articles that engage and inform prospective clients.

Hypertxt User Guide

  1. Sign up: Create an account on Hypertxt by entering basic details.
  2. Customize Setup: Adjust settings like tone, style, and reading level.
  3. Research: Select relevant articles to generate a detailed research report.
  4. Generate: Use the AI Writer to create your blog post based on the research.

Hypertxt Target Audience

Startups: Seeking cost-effective solution for rapid content generation

Medium-sized Businesses: Require scalable tool with good balance of cost and quality

Large Enterprises: Need robust data processing capabilities for diverse content requirements

Financial Sector: Focus on generating compliant and data-backed articles

Education Sector: Looking for tools to create accessible and engaging educational content

Healthcare Industry: Requires accurate and evidence-based content generation for various topics

Software Developers: Need technical and detailed blog posts with precise information

Data Analysts: Seeking tools for generating data-rich and insightful reports and articles

Technology Enthusiasts: Desire easy-to-use tools for creating tech-related content

Freelancers: Need versatile, high-quality content generation for diverse client needs

Marketing Teams: Focus on high-impact, engaging content for promotional campaigns

Bloggers: Seeking an efficient way to produce high-quality, enjoyable blog posts frequently

Hypertxt Pricing


Our usage-based pricing ensures that you only pay for what you create. We believe this is the most fair pricing model for AI tools. No monthly subscriptions. No token limits.

Output tokens$0.30 / 1k
Input tokens$0.06 / 1k
Research ReportsFree
BYOK Pricing

A typical article, with research, will use around 8k input tokens and 3k output tokens. This would result in a cost of $1.38.

Have an Anthropic API key? You can buy Hypertxt with a one-time payment of $89.

Hypertxt Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hypertxt safe to use for creating blog posts?

Hypertxt is designed with user security and data privacy as a top priority. As an AI-powered content generator, it adheres to industry-standard encryption methods to protect your data. The tool only uses the information you provide for the purposes of content creation and does not store or share your data without your consent.

Is Hypertxt compatible with all blogging platforms?

Yes, Hypertxt-generated content can be easily transferred and used across various blogging platforms. Whether you are using WordPress, Blogger, Medium, or any custom CMS, Hypertxt ensures that the content created is versatile and adaptable to different formats.

How customizable is the content generated by Hypertxt?

Hypertxt gives you full control over the writing style, tone, and reading level of your content. You can provide specific instructions to tailor the output according to your unique preferences, ensuring the final product matches your brand voice and audience expectations.

Does Hypertxt support creating content in multiple languages?

Currently, Hypertxt primarily focuses on generating high-quality content in English. However, the platform is continually evolving, and support for additional languages may be added based on user demand and feedback.

How does Hypertxt ensure the quality of the generated blog posts?

Hypertxt employs a detailed workflow that includes in-depth research and article outlining, which helps in creating rich, informative, and engaging content. By referencing research reports and allowing users to fine-tune the writing process, Hypertxt ensures that the content produced is top-notch.

What kind of customer support does Hypertxt offer?

Hypertxt offers robust customer support to all its users. You can reach out to the support team via email or through the contact form on their website. Additionally, the founder, Jerad Maplethorpe, is always open to feedback and feature requests, ensuring that user concerns are addressed promptly.

Can I try Hypertxt before committing to a purchase?

Hypertxt’s usage-based pricing model allows users to pay for what they create without the need for long-term subscriptions. This makes it easy for new users to try out the service and see its value without a significant upfront investment.

How does Hypertxt handle SEO optimization?

Hypertxt integrates SEO optimization into its content creation workflow. By allowing users to input specific keywords and providing tools to structure articles effectively, Hypertxt ensures that the generated content is both reader-friendly and optimized for search engines.

Is there a limit to the number of blog posts I can generate with Hypertxt?

There are no hard limits on the number of blog posts you can generate with Hypertxt. The usage-based pricing model means you pay for the amount of content you create, giving you the flexibility to produce as many articles as you need without worrying about token limits.

Can Hypertxt integrate with other AI tools?

Hypertxt can be used alongside other AI tools, especially for those who have an Anthropic API key. The BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) pricing option allows users to integrate Hypertxt into their existing AI workflows, enhancing the overall content production process.